Hi guys and welcome to my Kpop blog! So basically this blog is about the interesting things that I find that relate to Kpop as well as news regarding to the groups I'm familiar with such as EXO, SHINee, B.A.P, etc. I'm just compiling and organizing the things I find, so I don't own most of them (the sources are all cited. If it's not directly on the post/picture, it will be at the bottom of the page.). I will try to update regularly on posts as well as the pages, so make sure to check them out from time to time. Enjoy!

Me and Kpop

Friday, December 7th, 2013

Although I'm not a fan of VIXX (or at least not yet. Who knows.), I must say that the choreography for Hyde is one of the most amazing ones I've ever seen in my opinion. A good choreography tells a story, and this one does even more than that. It also works great with the fast tempo of the song. Lastly, the boys have done a fantastic job of bringing this dance alive. Regardless of how much I like VIXX (I've heard about the group before but I'm just getting curious about them right now), this dance is definitely going into my collection.

See the dance for yourself and tell me it's not amazing: 

Source/Credits: Lili Derei (Youtube)

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Okay I know I'm a million years late of this, but I just read "10080" for the first time and I feel really bad and coldblooded. Before I read the story I heard that people were crying rivers and seas over it, but I didn't tear up one bit while reading. I mean the story was good---really really amazing in every aspect actually---but I guess it's just not the kind that I would cry over (side note: I consider my mindset to be more scientific and rational rather than emotional so it's pretty hard to make me cry). Please don't lash out at me for not crying my eyes out...

For those people who are even later than me, read the story here.

Story credits: EXObubz (Asianfanfics)

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